Myths and Facts about Robotic Surgery for Cancer
Robotic Surgery is effective in the management of many early-stage cancers. For the unversed, Robotic Surgery, also known as robot-assisted surgery, is a form of minimally invasive surgery performed using robotic technology. It is a highly advanced form of surgery that has been used in hospitals and other medical facilities for a while now. It is also increasing in popularity because it is considered to be more precise than traditional surgeries. The benefits of this technique include increased precision, decreased risks of infection, less blood loss and shorter hospital stays.
Despite all these reasons to choose Robotic Surgery, patients often back off due to the myths they hear about it. Let’s dispel these myths and help you understand Robotic Surgery better.
Myth 1: Robots perform the surgery, and the surgeon is hands-free.
Fact: Robotic surgery is a type of minimally invasive surgery that uses robotic arms to perform operations. These arms are controlled by a human surgeon and the machine assists by magnifying the surgery site in video, holding the instruments, and providing other functions. The surgeon is not hands-free during robotic surgery. The surgeon is in control of the robot and the movements of the instruments through a console while they are watching a 3D view on a screen. Hence, the surgery is performed by the surgeon but with the assistance of robotic arms. It is best to choose the best Robotic Surgery in Pune. The surgeons will explain the whole procedure in detail.
Myth 2: Any surgeon can perform Robotic Surgery
Fact: Surgeons who are trained in robotic surgery are the only ones who can perform this type of surgery. The training process is a very intense experience. Surgeons have to learn how to use the robot and how to operate it with their hands. They also need to learn how to use the 3D imaging system, which is what they will be using during the surgery. For Cancer treatment in Pune, you can trust Galaxy Care Hospital. Our Oncosurgeon is trained and experienced in robotic surgery.
Myth 3: If the robotic surgery set-up malfunctions, the patient may be at risk.
Fact: The Da Vinci XI Robotic Surgery System is designed to operate without malfunction. It has a high level of accuracy and can be programmed to perform precise movements. However, in a hypothetical event, if it malfunctions, the system comes to a standstill. It ensures no harm or damage to the patient.
Myth 4: Robotic Surgery is expensive and ineffective.
Fact: Well, Robotic Surgery may seem expensive to patients. But the benefits it provides almost compensate for the cost often involved in other forms of surgery such as longer hospitalisation stay, medicine costs, in-hospital doctor visit charges, etc. In terms of health, it is a good option for patients since it is less painful and requires a shorter recovery time than traditional open surgery. Choose the best Cancer Hospital in Pune for stress-free robotic surgery.
Myth 5: Robotic surgery provides limited access to internal organs, and is hence not effective in clearance of cancer.
Fact: Well, It is a big myth that people must stop believing. Robotic Surgery uses robotic arms, a 3D high-definition view to access the interior of the body and perform operations. The surgery can be performed on difficult-to-reach areas such as inside the abdomen, pelvis, etc. As a result, it is very effective in the clearance of cancer cells from the body.
The Bottom Line
As the best cancer hospital in Pune, we believe that our patients should be aware of the benefits, risks, and limitations of Robotic surgery. They should also know what to expect from it when deciding on a robotic surgical procedure for themselves or their loved ones. Galaxy Care Hospital is the first institute in India to specialise and perform Robotic Cancer Surgeries in all branches of surgical specialities. We are the best choice for cancer treatment in Pune. Feel free to get in touch with us and consult if Robotic cancer surgery is an ideal option for you!