Your Stories

Mr Ranka


Respected Dr. Shailesh Puntambekar,

My name is Mahendra Ranka. Whenever I use to eat anything, I was suffering from pain while swallowing. I was in extreme pain that tears use to come out of my eyes.

    Then I went to Dr. Shailesh Puntambekar from Galaxy Care Hospital to know what exactly the case was. He asked me to undergo some tests which I did. After the reports, Dr. Shailesh Puntambekar told me that there is a Cancer cell in my Esophagus. He immediately asked me to undergo an oration for the same. The operation was successful under Dr. Shailesh Puntambekar’s observation. Now, I am fit and fine. Feeling more refreshing.

    A big thanks to Dr. Shailesh Puntambekar and the entire team of Galaxy Care Hospital.