Your Stories
Deleeta James

The Medical Director Galaxy Care Hospital,
Karve Nagar, Pune
I would like to inform that my Aunt Mrs. Deleeta James underwent an serious surgery in Galaxy Care Hospital in March 2016 which was performed by Dr. Shailesh Puntambekar. There was a lump in abdomen and it was the good words and the trust that Dr. Shailesh Puntambekar gave us and we had to get operated.
We are really grateful to him and also Dr. Desphande from Sao Samarth Hospital, Chinchwad who referred us.
We hope he continues to proceed with his work and treat other people in the same manner as we got his presence.
Also I would thank the management for the co-ordination and the co-operation that gave us. The sisters/nurses were good that take care of us.
Would definitely keep you all in prayers. God Bless You All, Stay Blessed!
Thank You,